Muslimah Fashion



Are your items Brand-new ?
Yes. all of our Products are Brand-new and come with their authentic quality, original casing. variants, or customized products.

Can I buy only 1 pcs ? how much for Shipping and Handling? Yes, you can order only 1 pcs , but at a retail price.

Can I track my stuff on-line when I pay? How long I can get my stuff? 
Yes, when we send the goods, we will give you a track NO. you can track your package on-line after 2 days, and delivery time varies depending on your location and shipping method, but most packages arrive in approximately 4-7 days.

How can I get information after I have paid for the goods? We will e-mail the tracking number of the express company to you as soon as we receive the tracking number.

Can I get a catalog? In KhashaFashionMall does not publish a mail-order catalog because the inventory changes too frequently In KhashaFashionMall is updated daily with size and style information and new products and sizes are posted as soon as they are available. We encourage you to check the website for the products you need.

How do I contact you if I have a question?  We prefer to be contact by E-mail :  or sms to 013-7429622 or you may go to

Do you ship to International locations? 
Yes. We currently ship to many international locations. We will let you know the freight charges for different location


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